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Jan 19 2023

Commander of the Finnish Army visits 3-Star NATO HQ

INNSWORTH, GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Jan. 18, 2023, Commander of the Finnish Army, Lt. Gen. Pasi Välimäki, and Commander of the UK Field Army, Lt. Gen. Sir Ralph Wooddisse, visited Allied Rapid Reaction Corps on Imjin Barracks. Both Generals got the opportunity to visit the 3-star NATO headquarters; and better understand the complexities of operating a multi-national corps.

Constant communication and cooperation with our partner nations and allies enhances our ability to adapt, and strengthens our Alliance. - Lt. Gen. Nick Borton

Since 1994, under the Partnership for Peace programme, Finland has worked with NATO. The programme ensures the ability for states to provide primarily humanitarian missions such as peacekeeping and search and rescue through building a cooperative relationship with NATO.

“As we forge ever closer cooperation with our partners, it is important that we meet and discuss our processes and the capabilities we have as a multi-national headquarters,” said Lt. Gen. Nick Borton, Commander of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps. “Constant communication and cooperation with our partner nations and allies enhances our ability to adapt, and strengthens our Alliance.”

ARRC and Finnish Military Forces have worked closely since ARRC’s inception in 1992, including deployments to Bosnia. During the visit, Välimäki and Wooddisse also received briefs from 1 Signal Brigade as they walked around the Exercise Flying Javelin Command Post.

Exercise Flying Javelin is a communications exercise focused on Command and Control verification and validation, increasing the interoperability between the Brigade and HQ ARRC. The exercise is also excellent preparation as the HQ strives for certification as the NATO Response Force for 2024.

Story by SSgt Larsen, ARRC Public Affairs Office

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom