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May 29 2020

COVID-19 – Signallers run drive-through coronavirus testing unit at Midlands safari park

Troops from the 22nd Signal Regiment have been running a drive-through coronavirus testing site at the West Midland Safari Park in Kidderminster.

The Royal Signallers are responsible for collecting swab samples from members of the public at the ‘Mobile Testing Unit’ (MTU), before they are sent to mega-labs for processing.

The 12-man team have been trained to operate the pop-up site as part of the U.K. government's plans to meet the increased demand for coronavirus testing. The facilities can be set up in less than 20 minutes and allow for hundreds of people to be tested each day.

Sergeant Pete Wideman from 22nd Signal Regiment explained: “Normally we would be supporting NATO, held at high readiness to deploy anywhere around the world. This was a high readiness task force and it differs in that we are now operating on U.K. soil.

The reaction from the public seeing the soldiers running these testing sites has been absolutely fantastic.

The Signallers' normal role is to provide communications support to NATO's Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) based in Gloucester.

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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