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Apr 29 2020

the imjin - Summer 2020

Welcome to the summer 2020 issue of 'the imjin' magazine.

In this edition, we take a look at how our NATO base has reacted to the COVID-19 outbreak.

We’ve the latest news on the troops that have supported the U.K. Ministry of Defence response to the global pandemic.

In addition, we have the most up-to-date information on the support available to our soldiers and families, including our lockdown tips in a re-adapted ‘What’s on-line’ section.

And as we look forward to better times ahead, September 2020 marks ten years of NATO troops being based in Gloucester. There’s news of how the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps hopes to mark this significant milestone.

To read the latest edition click here.

the imjin magazine is the 'Voice of Imjin Barracks' - produced by NATO's Allied Rapid Reaction Corps on behalf of all personnel and families serving at the military base in Gloucester.

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom