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Royal signallers communicate ideas with NATO counterparts in Madrid
Brigade signallers have visited Spain to complete a battlefield study – with the support of the Spanish army.
Set against the historical backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, the Brigade HQ staff reflected on the contemporary lessons for corps-level signals in the urban environment.
The battle for Madrid in 1936, with its population of one million, modern tower-blocks and utilities such as a telephone system, provides the perfect opportunity to consider operations in heavily populated built-up areas.
Speaking in the Spanish capital, Captain Scott Mapplebeck from 1 Signal Brigade explained: "We wanted to use the battlefield study as an opportunity to look into ‘information manoeuvre’ and get the staff from the brigade thinking about information operations, and new concepts such as ‘information advantage’.”
The exercise was supported by the Regimento de Transmisiones 22, who provide communication and information systems to the Ejército de Tierra (Spanish army), including the ARRC’s sister corps in Spain
Presentations at the regiment’s Madrid base on information warfare generated discussion on the use of social media to achieve military objectives, fake news, and the growth of internet-connected devices.
Spanish Lieutenant Pedro Aguilar said: "It has been very interesting to work with the British again. It’s important for us to share information with other armies and have a combination of points of view.
"It’s been a very interesting visit and we are looking forward to receiving many more.”
Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office