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HQ ARRC conducts Medical Wargame exercise
INNSWORTH, United Kingdom - HQ ARRC's Medical Branch conducted Exercise ARRCADE AESCALPIUS here June 6-7, 2018.
The exercise served as a tactical medical wargame with the aim of exploring what the ARRC's medical concept for supporting warfighting should be and how the ARRC could work most effectively in support of its subordinate formations.
Debates during the exercise proved lively and challenging, which provided all those participating a great deal to think about whilst providing the ARRC's Medical Branch a litany of follow-on actions to execute in order to ensure the maximum training benefit is achieved.
The exercise was attended by medical personnel from a wide range of NATO and national headquarters to include the UK HQ Surgeon General, Commander of UK Marine Forces, the British Army's HQ Field Army, 1st Canadian Division, 1st German Netherlands Corps, 3rd (UK) Division, 2nd (UK) Medical Brigade, the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, the RAF Tactical Medical Wing, 16th (UK) Medical Regiment and the 84th (UK) Medical Supply Squadron. Additionally, non-medical specialists from within HQ ARRC, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and 101st (UK) Logistics Brigade participated.
Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office