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HQ ARRC conducts Exercise ARRCADE LIAISON 2018
INNSWORTH, United Kingdom - A Civil-Military liaison team from HQ ARRC, led by British Army Brigadier Kevin Copsey, conducted Exercise ARRCADE LIAISON 2018, which centred on a series of meetings in London March 19-21, 2018 with representatives of Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (Oxfam), the City of London Resiliency Team, Amnesty International, the British Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.
The purpose of ARRCADE LIAISON 2018 was to establish and maintain contacts with these international and non-governmental organisations, and to learn about their role, responsibilities and mandate.
As there exists no exclusive military solution for conflicts, it is important to understand how the execution of a military mission and the efforts of civil actors in a theatre of operations can mutually reinforce each other's operations.
Exercise ARRCADE LIAISON is an annual ARRC Engineering & Civil Military Interaction (ECMI) branch training event, which allows ECMI personnel to liaise with international and non-governmental organisations in order to exchange information about recent developments, concepts and working procedures. Such exercises directly support HQ ARRC in effectively preparing for potential real-world operations if called upon.
Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office