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New ARRC Command Sergeant Major looks to be ‘Voice’ of NCOs

INNSWORTH, United Kingdom - Last week Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps welcomed a new Command Sergeant Major, British WO1 (Comd. SM) Allan Ridler, who will serve as the senior enlisted advisor to the commander. In addition to that role, he wants to be a voice for the ARRC’s Non-Commissioned Officers, ensure their readiness and maximize their talent when and where he can.

"I want to start off by saying thank you to Pete Batley for the handover and the great job that he’s done over the last two years,” he said. "It's clearly a very busy headquarters but everyone I’ve spoken to so far seems very happy, feels like they’re adding value. They seem to understand what’s going on and I’m really looking forward to being a key part of that.”

"I see my role as representing the voice of the NCOs and the soldiers I think my previous experience of over 21 has set me up nicely for that,” he said.
 As a three-star NATO headquarters, the ARRC has plenty of senior officers and WO1 Ridler wants to ensure that among them, the NCOs are recognized for what they bring to the table.

 "It’s a case of drawing on their strengths and the fact that they are soldiers and that they bring with them a lot of professional competence and credibility,” he said.  "Every single one of them is a leader and I think they need to remember that, and that there are other ways of leading, leading by example, applying the leadership code and values and standards.” 

"It’s my job to be that voice of the soldiers and to encourage our commanders to listen to what our soldiers have to say, to take on their opinions, their advice and their subject matter expertise,” he added.

As the ARRC continues in their role as the Land Component Command for the NATO Response Force this year, WO1 Ridler has his work cut out for him. Ensuring the units readiness is a high priority, as well as ensuring the quality of life for the ARRC and its soldiers, and maintaining a good relationship with its surrounding community.

"People are our key resource and every single soldier in this organisation represents our greatest resource,” he said. "I would like to continue the great work that was done by my predecessor, continuing to build esprit de corps and the corps identity in the headquarters, support maximizing talent of our soldiers, recognizing their talent and working with the soldiers to coach and mentor them through their time here, and outside the headquarters continuing the great work that Command Sergeant Major Batley did working with our local community.”

"It’s a privilege to be selected for the Command Sergeant Major role and to have an opportunity to advise the Commander of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps,” he added. The fact that I get to be a Command Sergeant Major in such a diverse headquarters is an opportunity that is truly appreciated.” 

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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