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Local Airport hosts ARRC Liaison Training

INNSWORTH, United Kingdom - Now that Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps has officially taken over their role in the NATO Response Force for 2017, readiness is more important than ever. As the NRF’s Land Component Command, the ARRC is on short notice to move to command and control thousands of troops, vehicles and other military equipment. The fastest-moving piece of that movement is the Operational Liaison and Reconnaissance Team.
The OLRT is the first piece of the headquarters to move and is responsible for laying the initial groundwork for additional troops to arrive in any given country. Airports, bridges, ports and other infrastructure are examined and relationships are created and built with key leaders in related industries.
The OLRT training cycle began this week, refreshing current members of the team and introducing its newest members to the scope, depth and importance of the job ahead. To ensure its realism, HQ ARRC coordinated with a local airport, Gloucestershire Airport, Staverton, to have their team meet with their operations director to get some hands-on experience as an OLRT.
While the local airport works closely with some other military units in similar ways, this is the first time they have hosted HQ ARRC for such a training exercise.
"Given the proximity to Imjin Barracks, it makes sense logistically to come see an airfield on your doorstep and we’re very pleased to be helping the base deliver this training,” said Darren Lewington, Operations Director for the airport. "It’s a good opportunity for us to look at our procedures and reflect and think about how we might deal with logistical situation like this and the opportunity to show you what goes on in the local community and the civilian world here.”
This initial phase of OLRT training finishes up this week, but the team will continue to refine and train throughout the year to ensure their readiness and the overall readiness of the ARRC to serve the NRF and the NATO Alliance.
Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps kicked off the first-ever Imjin Cup competition with a 5K run around their home at Imjin Barracks, pitting the branches of the headquarters, the ARRC Support Battalion and 1 (UK) Signals Brigade against each other in what will be a year-long competition.
Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps kicked off the first-ever Imjin Cup competition with a 5K run around their home at Imjin Barracks, pitting the branches of the headquarters, the ARRC Support Battalion and 1 (UK) Signals Brigade against each other in what will be a year-long competition.

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom