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HQ ARRC NCO seminar promotes education and development

INNSWORTH, United Kingdom – The non-commissioned officers of Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps held their second NCO leadership seminar at the Imjin Briefing Centre here, Nov. 29.
The seminar, focused on personal and professional education and development, follows on from a seminar earlier this year, where a committee of NCOs from across the ARRC identified a need for personal and professional education opportunities for the multi-national staff that represents 23 NATO nations.
"We set up this committee of volunteers with three main aims: to raise awareness of leadership, to generate ownership of our own training and professional development, and also to maximise the talent of our NCOs,” said UK WO1 (Comd SM) Allan RIdler, the ARRC command sergeant major.
"There tends to be an overreliance by Soldiers on the organisation to give us our education and our training, but we don’t need to just rely on the system,” he continued. "We have a whole breadth of experience just in this room on which we can educate ourselves.”
The seminars will also continue into 2018, with one planned in the spring in cooperation with the UK’s Centre for Army Leadership at Sandhurst.
"I personally encourage every Soldier to invest in their professional and personal development and their education no matter what the scale of their command that they’re in,” said Ridler.
"What you tend to find is, from my experience anyway, is that officers get educated, and soldiers get trained,” he added. "We’re trying to change that around.”

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom