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HQ ARRC holds Deputy Commanders' Conference
INNSWORTH, United Kingdom - Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps held a deputy commanders’ conference today, bringing together seven of the deputy commanders of NATO’s High Readiness Forces (Land) to discuss issues each HRFL faces and how they can best support each other this year and in the years to come.
The conference here was held only a few months after Allied Land Command’s commanders’ conference, which hosted commanders from the NATO HRFLs as well as General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe.
"We saw a need to discuss mutual training support and other topics as deputy commanders after the commanders’ conference in March,” said Italian Major General Roberto D’Alessandro, ARRC’s deputy commander. "Today moved us forward but there is more to do.”
Commanders’ conferences are a regular occurrence in the military and after the success of the latest iteration, D’Allessandro decided it would be beneficial for deputy commanders to do the same.
As an HRFL the ARRC and units like it are prepared to take on many roles, depending on the needs of NATO and the Alliance. German Major General Gert-Johannes Hagemann, deputy commander of Headquarters Rapid Reaction Corps – France, found the conference to be a much-needed event, highlighting their shared responsibilities and challenges of their position.
"I think we share the same challenges,” he said. "As the deputy commanders we are in a very specific role… we are the first and principal advisor of the commander.”
"If you want to advise your commander in the broader context you have to open your mind, to widen your view,” he continued. "That means you have to discuss topics with your colleagues and widen your horizon.”
Whilst future conferences remain to be planned the ARRC hopes to continue building relationships across the NATO force structure ensuring the strength of its units and member nations.
"Our collaboration today is a demonstration of NATO commitment and the good relationships our many headquarters share,” D’Alessandro added.
Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office