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Exercise ARRCADE SUPPORT 2 strengthens NRF Logistics with Denmark

Denmark - A Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps delegation led by Deputy Chief of Staff Support (DCOS Sp), British Brigadier McLeod, comprising of mainly Support Division personnel visited Denmark for Exercise ARRCADE SUPPORT 2 from 7-10 May 17.  The exercise included visits to the Logistic Regiment, the Army and Defence Headquarters and the Danish Division.

The exercise objectives focused on understanding Denmark’s Combat Service Support concept and the structure of its second and third line logistic units.  In particular, Support Division was interested in how Denmark supports its troops who are part of the enhanced NATO Response Force.  Support Division also wanted to understand how HQ ARRC can support the Danish Division within a Corps construct in preparation for Exercise ARRCADE FUSION 2017 scheduled for later this year.

"ARRCADE SUPPORT 2 has, once again, been a really useful exercise in the Support Division Calendar,” said McLeod. "It has helped us to further develop the relationship with our Danish Partners, and highlighted some of the specific logistic challenges the Danish Division may have during Ex ARRCADE FUSION 17. It was encouraging to note that the areas for development within sustainment and medical are ones that we share. I am very grateful for the time and effort our Danish hosts put into the visit, most notably Major General Matthiasen, Divisional Commander, and Colonel Moeller from the Logistic Regiment”.

The exercise included an equipment display provided by soldiers of the Danish Army Logistic Regiment, presentations with the Danish Defence Joint Movement and Transport Organisation and the Joint Logistic Branch, and a trip to Danish Army Headquarters at the Karup Airbase, where discussions about the logistics complexities surrounding NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) were addressed. The delegation also merged their trip with studying military history in the area, with visits to the Aalborg Viking museum and the famous Dybboel Banke battlefield in Denmark from the 1864 War.

There remains an ongoing logistics expertise relationship between the Danish Armed Forces, NATO, and the ARRC during the NATO Response Force stand-by period in 2017. 

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom