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ARRC hosts British Army Sergeant Major Quarterly Working Group

INNSWORTH, United Kingdom - British Army Sergeant Major Glenn Haughton held his quarterly working group with more than 20 Command, Corps, and Division Sergeants Major on Tuesday at Imjin Barracks.

"It was an honour and a pleasure to host," said Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Command Sergeant Major Allan Ridler from his official twitter account on Wednesday.

The role of the ARRC in NATO and the British Army was outlined through a series of presentations. Senior officials and the commander, Lieutenant General Tim Radford, outlined the way forward from its current role as NATO's Response Force Land Headquarters this year into more Corps level activities in the future.

The senior enlisted spoke directly with soldiers stationed at Imjin Barracks to see how ARRC provides opportunities for non-commissioned officers and soldiers to serve in a NATO post.

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office


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United Kingdom

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