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ARRC exercise tackles Battle Space Management

INNSWORTH, United Kingdom – More than 50 service members from a dozen NATO nations and formations met 21 to 23 March at the ARRC Headquarters for Exercise ARRCADE ESTATE to address the challenges facing air and land space coordination.

The integration of air and land capabilities remains a complex science for every military, and the exercise addressed improvements on NATO doctrine, current practices, and the capabilities each nation supplies on land and in the air to create a common picture for commanders to make decisions.

"ARRCADE ESTATE has brought together so many participants who are normally involved in the Air-Land Integration side of the house, that it has given us a great opportunity to brief them where we are going,” said Royal Air Force Squadron Leader Paul Harrison, a chief within the NATO Air Support Operations Centre.

"There are few venues that discuss battlespace management," explained Lieutenant Colonel Matt Arrol, plans officer at US Army Europe’s 19 Battlefield Coordination Detachment. "In a time of growing concerns about threats to the Alliance it’s important for us to know how to integrate with our partners to fight and win,” he said.

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom