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Dec 6 2024

Imjin Station Childrens Christmas Party

Children's Christmas Party Friday 6th December 2024

Come join us at the Imjin Station Children's Christmas Party with lots of fun and games, including DJ and a visit from Santa for the children.

Open to all Children and their Parents who are serving in Imjin Barracks.

Imjin Station Welfare is organising a Children's Christmas Party on Friday 6th December 2024 @1600 - 1900 at the Imjin Station Community Centre.

Santa will be at the event to distribute gifts/presents to the children and there will be lots of games, entertainment, and DJ for the party. 

A delicious children's buffet will be served to the children.

Hot Drink and Mince Pies for the Adults.

You will have to pay for a portion of food which is:

£5 Per Child

FOC Adult 

There will be limited space due to the number of people we can take in the hall at any one time. 

The reservation will be on a first come first serve basis.

Please can you complete the survey by scanning the QR code or visit the forms link  ''

Please Note payment for Christmas Party Places is required to be paid in cash to Welfare by Friday 29th November 2024.

For further information, contact

Story by Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Public Affairs Office

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550