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Innsworth Station Welfare Office & Community Centre

The Welfare Office is based outside of Imjin Barracks, Innsworth. It is near the Innsworth SFA Area, behind the Costcutter shop on Innsworth Lane. The welfare office is located next to the Old Station Nursery which adjoin each other. The Innsworth Station Community Centre is located immediately opposite the welfare office main entrance.



Unit Welfare Officer (UWO) 
  01452 362557  
Unit Welfare Warrant Officer (UWWO) 
  01452 362554    
Welfare Reception
 +44 (0)1452 362550

 Housing Officer
 +44 (0)1452 362552

Office Opening Time: Monday - Thursday 0830-1630

Friday 0830-1400 

Welfare Support

The Welfare Office provides support to service personnel and their families based at Innsworth Station - Headquarters  Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, Gurkha ARRC Support Battalion, Headquarters 1 Signal Brigade, and 252 Signal Squadron. The Welfare Office also provides support to personnel and families from the Joint Support Services Unit (JSSU), Government Communications HQ (GCHQ) Cheltenham, 1 Military Intelligence section, and Ashchurch/Tewkesbury. The trained welfare officers deal with welfare needs/cases of service personnel and their families. They listen to, advise, and provide support. When needed they will refer to other agencies for more specialist advice, ( Army Welfare Service).

Unit Welfare Warrant Officer

Greetings to everyone. 

I wish you and your families a good health and hope you are preparing well for the upcoming winter season. Your continued support for the Welfare team is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to your ongoing encouragement throughout our time here. I have been serving as Welfare Warrant Officer since Sept 24 and I am honoured to be in this role. 

Just to give you my background, I was enlisted in the Brigade of Gurkhas in 2003 and joined the Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment in 2004. Over my 21 years of dedicated service, I have had the privilege of deploying in numerous operations and exercises worldwide. Currently, I am focused on my role in the Welfare, which I genuinely enjoy as it provides me with meaningful opportunities, especially working in a multicultural environment. 

WO2 Pankaj Gurung, QOGLR

welfare facilities

The facilities provided by the Welfare Centre are the Community Centre, Welfare Contact houses, Local Attractions tickets, Sports tickets, Bouncy Castles, Gazebos, and Minibus. The facilities can be used by Serving personnel, civil servants, and their families, who live or work within Innsworth Station. All bookings for the facilities are made through the Welfare Reception. The Reception holds the booking schedules and forms for all the facilities; there is a form and Terms and Conditions for each facility.

Community Centre


The Community Centre can be booked for meetings, events and parties. It can accommodate up to 60 personnel. For private events, the hire charge is £10 per hour. 

The Welfare Team organises and facilitates various events for families in the Innsworth Station Community. A schedule of routine events in the welfare centre is provided below. There is a Welfare Facebook site '', which is monitored by the Welfare team and Welfare reception. It is used to pass on information/notices of meetings, events, etc in the Community centre and in the local area. Service Personnel and spouses can apply to join the site.

Weekly Events at the Innsworth Community Centre

Monday - Parents & Tots (0930 - 1130)

Monday - Beavers & Scouts (1730 - 2100)

Tuesday - Sportily (1000 - 11300)

Tuesday - ASC Club (1930 - 2130) 1st & 4th week of the month

Wednesday - Military Wives Choir (1915 - 2115)

Thursday - Chatty Cafe (1000 - 1200)

Thursday - Family Functional Skills - English (1000 - 1400) @GL3 Community Hall 

Thursday - Cubs (1800 - 2000)

Friday - Ellie Yoga (1830 - 2030) Fortnightly

Monthly Event

Innsworth Family Outreach/coffee morning - Last Friday of each month (1000 - 1200) @ Community Centre

Other Events - These events will be publicised on the Welfare Facebook page - ''

Station Welfare Centre Sway

The Station Welfare Centre Sway provides a quick link to information on family events, welfare facilities and attraction tickets and links to external and 2nd welfare agencies.

Please use either the QR code or the search web link below-

Search Web Link - ''

Welfare Contact Houses


Welfare have two contact houses on the Innsworth Service Families Accommodation (SFA) site. Both houses are 3 Bedrooms, furnished and suitable for up to 6 people. Bedding is provided for each booking by the Welfare Reception.

The houses are used mainly by separated/divorced parents to see their children and for welfare cases when required. They can be booked by other people for family visitors. However, this request has to be approved by Unit Welfare Officer (UWO)/ UWWO) and is dependent on the reason for booking and availability. 

The houses are booked and paid for in advance through the Welfare Reception on a priority system at the cost of £35 per night.

Priority is given to estranged personnel with visiting rights for their children.

Priority 1 - Close relatives visiting very serious injured or seriously injured soldiers.

Priority 2 - Other Welfare reasons at the discretion of the Welfare Officer.

Other Welfare Information



The Welfare Centre has a minibus for use by Station personnel and families. It is booked and paid for in advance through the Welfare Reception.

The cost is £45 per day

The minibus can be booked for one day to a maximum of 14 days. It can be booked for private or military work events. The person driving the minibus must make the booking, and he/she must be over 25 years old and have a valid driving license. 


Bouncy Castles

The Welfare Centre has 2 Bouncy Castles for hire, a new Medieval one, and one large Red and Yellow. 

The costs to hire are:

Medieval - £25

Large Red & Yellow - £25

They are booked and paid for in advance through Welfare Reception.

The Bouncy Castles are picked up from and returned to the Community Centre. Community Centre keys are collected from the Guardroom.



The Welfare Centre has 3 x Gazebos for hire at a cost of £20 per tent per day.

They are booked and paid for in advance through Welfare Reception.

The Gazebos are picked up from and returned to the Community Centre. Community Centre keys are collected from the Guardroom.

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550