Weekly Events at the Innsworth Community Centre
Monday - Parents & Tots (0930 - 1130)
Monday - Beavers & Scouts (1730 - 2100)
Tuesday - Home Start (0930 - 1200)
Tuesday - ASC Club (1930 - 2130) 1st & 4th week of the month
Tuesday - Meditation (1900 - 2100) 2nd & 3rd week of the month
Tuesday - Military Spouse Co-working Chapter (1300 - 1500) 1st week of the month
Wednesday - Military Wives Choir (1915 - 2115)
Wednesday - Sportily (1000 - 1130)
Thursday - Chatty Cafe (1000 - 1200)
Thursday - Cubs (1800 - 2000)
Friday - Coffee Morning (1000 - 1200) Fortnightly
Friday - Ellie Yoga (1830 - 2030) Fortnightly
Monthly Event
Innsworth Family Outreach Program (0930 - 1130) Last Monday of each month
Other Events - These events will be publicised on the Welfare Facebook page - 'www.facebook.com/groups/imjinstationcommunity'