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The chaplain at HQ ARRC is known, as are most British Army chaplains, as the Padre. It is the Padre's job to provide moral, spiritual, and pastoral care to all the staff at HQ ARRC, whether the Host Nation, civil servant, or Participating Nation. It makes no difference whether you share the Padre's faith, have a different faith, or have no faith, as the care on offer is for all staff. Everyone can find themselves suddenly overwhelmed by life circumstances, or work pressures and the Padre is part of a broader network of support for these situations. If you are looking for a place of worship to discover or affirm your faith, there are many different services throughout the local area in Gloucester and Cheltenham and the Padre can help find a match for you.

In addition to pastoral responsibilities for the HQ, the chaplain also works to strengthen relationships with the chaplaincies in peer formations and Command HQs across NATO.   This is an essential role to ensure that chaplaincy collaboration and cooperation works smoothly on exercises and in any possible deployment.

The ARRC chaplain also acts as Senior Chaplain to the formations subordinate to ARRC. 

The current ARRC chaplain is the Reverend (Lt Col) Heather Rendall.



The Reverend Heather Rendell
Senior Chaplain                                                      
Imjin Barracks, Gloucester, GL3 1HW 

Contact can be made through the following email address :


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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550