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Prevention of Harassment, Bullying, Discrimination in the Workplace

Don't be afraid to be visible, you never know who you are inspiring to be their true selves

HQ Inclusion Committee

The intention of the Inclusion Committee is to assist the HQ in working towards every individual feeling included, being treated fairly and free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.

It aims to achieve this intent by listening to the very personal lived experiences of individuals or groups in the HQ. The HIC will raise concerns to the Chief of Staff and branch heads, as well as create  initiatives to get us all to think about the way we act and behave. How we can build the team and make us stronger and better.

To protect our fellow citizens we must represent our fellow citizens

Do not assume, think about what you are hearing or seeing. We must continue to call out behaviours and not walk by anything, we wouldn't want to be subjected to ourselves. Think about the impact your words and actions on others and on inclusiveness.

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550