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Welfare Facilities

The facilities provided by the Unit / Welfare are the Community Centre, Welfare Contact houses, Local Attractions tickets, Bouncy Castles, and minibus. The facilities can be used by Serving personnel, civil servants and their families, who live or work within Innsworth Station.
All bookings for the facilities are made through the Welfare Reception. The Reception holds the booking schedules and forms for all the facilities; there is a form and Terms and Conditions for each facility.

Welfare Contact Houses

Welfare have two contact houses on the Innsworth Service Families Accommodation (SFA) site. Both houses are 3 bed, furnished and suitable for up to 6 people. Bedding is provided for each booking by the Welfare Reception. 

The houses are used mainly by separated/divorced parents to see their children and for welfare cases when required. They can be booked by other people for family visitors. However, this request has to be approved by Unit Welfare Warrant Officer (UWWO) and is dependent on reason for booking and availability.


The houses are booked and paid for in advance through the Welfare Reception on a priority system (see below), at the cost of £45 per night.

Priority System  Booking Times:  1 - Contact with Children-Booking up to 2 months prior to first date.  2 - Relatives Visiting Hospital-Booking up to 2 months prior to first date.  3 - Other Booking-Up to 1 month prior to first date.

Local Attraction Tickets

Welfare has discounted tickets for Dudley Zoo, Wild Place Project, Noah's Ark Zoo Farm, WWT, Slimbridge and All Things Wild, Evesham. The tickets are available to all serving personnel, civil servants and their families who live and work at Innsworth Station. The tickets can be used by families, single personnel and couples.

All tickets must be booked and paid for, in advance, at the Welfare Reception, before the required date. Tickets cannot be reserved by phone or email. Tickets are collected from and returned to the Welfare Office during working hours. At evenings, weekends and Station stand-downs they are collected from and returned to the Guardroom. Tickets are collected on the day of use.

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Bouncy Castles

Welfare has 2 Bouncy Castles for hire, a new Medieval one and one large. The costs to hire are :
Medieval - £36        Large (Red & Yellow)- £32
They are booked and paid for, in advance, through the Welfare Reception.
The Bouncy Castles are picked up from and returned to the Community Centre. Centre keys are collected from the Guardroom.


The Unit has a minibus for use by Station personnel and families. It is booked and paid for, in advance, through the Welfare Reception. The cost is £45 per day.

The minibus can be booked for one day to a maximum of 14 days. It can be booked for private or military work events. The person driving the minibus must make the booking, and he/she must be over 25 yrs old and have a valid driving license.

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550