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Healthcare Facilities

Registering with a Doctor's Surgery

When you move into the area, your spouse and family members must register with a doctor's surgery nearest to your Service Family Accommodation (SFA) or Private Accommodation. Service Personnel are required to register with the Medical Centre on Imjin Barracks on arrival.

A list of surgeries can be obtained from the Unit Welfare Office

To register with a surgery, contact the surgery reception staff who will assist with the process. A spouse and family members will need to complete the information/health forms, as relevant to each surgery. Further information and forms are available on each surgery's website. Your spouse and family members will need to provide proof of identity and address; check with surgeries to confirm the documents required.

If your spouse and family member have a UK medical card, take it to the surgery when registering, if registering a child/children take their immunisation history/book. If you encounter problems when registering with a surgery, do contact the Unit Welfare Officer or the PN Policy Support Officer for assistance. 

Health Services in Gloucestershire

There are many choices of healthcare services available in Gloucestershire, particularly for minor ailments. It is important to remember that hospital emergency departments are there for serious injuries and emergencies. If you are unsure of the health service you need, information and details can be found at the Advice ASAP website and the NHS 111 Service. You can also receive advice and treatment at a Minor Injuries and Illness Unit and Gloucestershire Out of hours Service. 

Combat Stress Mental Health Helpline

Combat Stress runs a helpline for personnel suffering with mental health issues, it is available 24 hours a day. It is an accessible gateway to mental health services for service personnel and their families. 

  • Service personnel and families can phone:  0800 323 4444
  • Veterans and families can phone:  0800 138 1619 
  • Email:

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550