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Education and learning


Education in State Schools are provided by Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) - Education and Learning Department. 

There are State Primary, Junior, Senior and Infant Schools, Grammar and Independent Schools in Gloucestershire, most of which are in close proximity to the Service Family Accommodation. 

More information and details about schooling matters such as finding a school, term dates, applying for and school admissions, adult education, post-16 years, Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND), early years and childcare, school attendance and exclusions, home education, can be found at their website -  

Compulsory School Age

In the UK the compulsory school age is from age 4 years to 18 years. Children start school in the September after they turn 4 years old and must stay in school until the end of June after their 16th birthday. Between age 16 and 18 years, they must either attend a Sixth Form school/college, continue full-time education at a college, do an apprenticeship or traineeship, or do 20 hours work/volunteering plus part-time education/training. 

All children in England and Gloucestershire are entitled to a free place at a state school, from age 4 years to age 16/18 years.

School Year and Terms

The school year is from the beginning of September to mid-July, with three terms. There is a Half Term week in each term – October, February, May.  Each school may decide the start and end dates of the terms.  A school may also have Inset/teacher training days within a Term and on those days pupils do not attend school. 

Types of Schools

State Schools

State Schools are Primary, Infant, Junior, and Senior/Secondary Schools. State Schools in the UK receive funding from their Local Authority/Local Council (LA/LC), or directly from the Government. 

There are a number of different state schools in Gloucestershire; community schools, foundation schools, academies, specialist schools, faith schools and grammar schools. They follow the national curriculum. Community and foundation schools are funded by the LA/LC. An academy is run by not-for-profit trust, independent from the LA/LC.

Further information about state schools and education matters in Gloucestershire, can be found at –

Primary/Infant/Junior Schools

Primary, infant and junior schools provide education to children aged 4 years to 11 years. Infant and Junior Schools may be run together by a partnership or federation. The children learn skills in reading, writing, and maths and a basic understanding of various other subjects. 

Senior/ Secondary Schools

A senior/secondary school can be an academy, a high school, or a grammar school and may be run by the LA/LC, a foundation or an academy. They take children from 11 years to 16 years, and to 18 years if they have a Sixth Form. Pupils study for and take GCSE and A Level exams in various subjects.

Sixth Form

Young people aged 17 & 18 years, can continue their education and study for and take A-Levels at a Sixth Form.  There is an application process for Sixth Form, it is not an automatic right to go onto a School's Sixth Form. However, not all senior/secondary schools offer education post-16 years or have a Sixth Form within the School. 

Further information about education post-16 years, Sixth Form, and various other options can be found at –

School lists are available from the Participating Partner Nation Policy Cell.

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