State Schools
State Schools are Primary, Infant, Junior, and Senior/Secondary Schools. State Schools in the UK receive funding from their Local Authority/Local Council (LA/LC), or directly from the Government.
There are a number of different state schools in Gloucestershire; community schools, foundation schools, academies, specialist schools, faith schools and grammar schools. They follow the national curriculum. Community and foundation schools are funded by the LA/LC. An academy is run by not-for-profit trust, independent from the LA/LC.
Further information about state schools and education matters in Gloucestershire, can be found at –
Primary/Infant/Junior Schools
Primary, infant and junior schools provide education to children aged 4 years to 11 years. Infant and Junior Schools may be run together by a partnership or federation. The children learn skills in reading, writing, and maths and a basic understanding of various other subjects.
Senior/ Secondary Schools
A senior/secondary school can be an academy, a high school, or a grammar school and may be run by the LA/LC, a foundation or an academy. They take children from 11 years to 16 years, and to 18 years if they have a Sixth Form. Pupils study for and take GCSE and A Level exams in various subjects.
Sixth Form
Young people aged 17 & 18 years, can continue their education and study for and take A-Levels at a Sixth Form. There is an application process for Sixth Form, it is not an automatic right to go onto a School's Sixth Form. However, not all senior/secondary schools offer education post-16 years or have a Sixth Form within the School.
Further information about education post-16 years, Sixth Form, and various other options can be found at –
School lists are available from the Participating Partner Nation Policy Cell.