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Officers' Mess

Welcome to Imjin Barracks Officers' Mess, below you will find some information that you may find useful prior to arriving and also on arrival to Imjin Barracks. 



 Bldg 007                                                                                                            +44 (0) 1452 712612 ext 226 - Reception                                                    95471 6225 - Military

  • PMC - Col Brain
  • Mess Manager - Sunil George
  • Mess Joint Visits Bureau - WO2 Karl Ray
  • Head Chef - Mr Bradley Lewis
  • Mess Accountant - Geeta Rai

Mess Accountant Office opens: Mon - Fri: 13:45 - 17:30

Useful Information

The code for the main gate will be specified by the Guard Room. Outside of business hours the code will not be given out via the intercom at reception for security reasons.

Warning In/Out book is located in the foyer of the Mess. It is Mess members' responsibility to inform the Mess accountant for billing purposes and book in and out of the mess when going away on duty, course, exercise or leave. Members only need to book out if they are out of station for more than 15 days. The book is to be completed prior to departure.


All meals within the mess are Pay As You Dine and will be charged against mess bills accordingly on a monthly basis or cash payment. Individuals should book in for evening meals daily before 1400 hrs. If booking is not done by that time an A la Carte menu is available. 

Meal timings are subject to change due to function commitments 

Monday - FridaySaturday/Sunday/Bank Holidays
Breakfast0700 - 0830

1000 - 1230
Lunch1230 - 1330
Bar Snacks1830 - 19001830 - 1900
Dinner1915 - 20001915 - 2000


The Bar is located in the Main Mess and is opened as shown below:

  • Monday - Friday:   1800 - 2300 
  • Saturday:   1800 - 2300 
  • Sunday:   1800 - 2200


If you wish to book accommodation, please email the following: and the relevant booking pro-forma will be sent to you for completion.


If you lose the key to your room, you will be charged for the replacement. As they are security keys they need to be specially cut and cost approximately £13.00. 

Marching Out

Please give a minimum of two weeks notice to vacate your room. The receptionist will arrange a march out and the accountant will produce a final bill.


Please be advised that you must request permission from the President of the Mess Committee (PMC), you will also need to register your pet with the Station Health and Safety Advisor (ext 7525) before moving in. The Receptionist will need to be informed if you intend to keep pet/s in your room, this is so the cleaning staff can be made aware.

On departure from the mess all rooms that pets were kept in are required to be deep cleaned at the owner's expense. Any rooms that have not been deep cleaned prior to march out will be charged £80.00 on the owners mess account for specialist cleaning of the carpets.

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550