State Schools
State Schools are Primary, Infant, Junior and Senior/Secondary Schools. State Schools in the UK receive funding from their Local Authority/Local Council (LA/LC), or directly from the Government.
Primary/Infant/Junior Schools
Primary, Infant, and Junior schools provide education to children aged 4 years to 11 years. Infant and Junior Schools may be run together by a partnership or federation.
Senior/ Secondary Schools
A Senior/Secondary school provides education to children from 11 years to 16 years, and to 18 years if the school has a Sixth Form.
Sixth Form
Young people aged 17/18 years, can continue their education and study for and take A-Levels at a Sixth Form. There is an application process for Sixth Form. However, not all Senior/Secondary schools offer education post-16 years or have a Sixth Form within the School.
Further information about education post-16 years, Sixth Form, and various other options can be found at –
Applying for a School Place
When moving to the area, applications for a school place are made direct to a school, by completing an online application form. It is advisable to make multiple applications. Further information on schools in the area, the application form, and the process can be found at -
Applying for a School Place in Reception Year, Year 3, or Year 7
Applications for a child to start at Reception Year (aged 4 years) at Primary/Infant school, Year 3 (7 years) Junior school, and Year 7 (11 years) Senior school are made online through Gloucestershire County Council. There is a set period for applications, which are made in the Autumn before a child is due to start in the following September. (e.g. Apply Autumn 2022, start school September 2023).
Further information and guidance booklet at -
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
Children with additional needs and/ or Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) can either attend a mainstream school or a special school. A mainstream school will have a SEN coordinator who will provide specialist advice and arrange appropriate support for a child.
Further information on SEND support services and Special Schools can be found at -