Single Living Accommodation
Single/unaccompanied personnel are accommodated in the Officers' Mess, Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess or Junior Accommodation Blocks, depending on the individual's rank. Contact should be made with the relevant Mess or Accommodation NCO for further information.
Accommodation for officers is provided at the Imjin Officers' Mess, which is located across the road from the barracks, opposite the main exit gate. The accommodation comprises of en-suite rooms.
To apply for accommodation and for more information; contact the Mess Reception on: +44 (0)1452 712612 ext 6225,
Warrant Officers and Sergeants
Accommodation for Sergeants to Warrant Officers (OR5 - OR9) is provided by the Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess, which is on Imjin Barracks, by the main entrance. The accommodation comprises of en-suite rooms.
To apply for accommodation and further information contact the Mess Manager on: +44 (0)1452 712612 ext 5748, email
Junior Ranks
Accommodation for Private to Corporal (OR1 -OR4) personnel is provided at Imjin Barracks. The accommodation comprises of en-suite rooms within accommodation blocks.
To apply for accommodation and further information contact the HQ ARRC Accommodation NCO on: