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service Accommodation for service personnel and dependEnts

As members of HQ ARRC, Service Personnel are eligible to apply for Service Family Accommodation (SFA) or Single Living Accommodation (SLA).

Service Family Accommodation 

Participating Nations' personnel are advised that the use of SFA is not mandatory and is a National/personal choice. Please contact your Senior National Representative (SNR) if you have any questions regarding your Nation's preference to accommodation. There are seven areas of SFAs for personnel based at Imjin Barracks details of the areas can be obtained from the Housing Officer (HO).

Entitlement to SFA

To be entitled to SFA, Service Personnel (UK and PN) must be over aged 18 years of age, serving on a regular engagement, have at least six months to serve at the Unit, and be Personal Status (PStat) Category 1 or 2, as defined below:

UK Personal Status 1

  • They are legally married and living with their spouse, or who would be but for the exigencies of the Services. 
  • They are registered in a Civil Partnership in accordance with the Civil Partnership Act, or in a Civil Partnership under an overseas scheme recognised under that Act, and are living with their registered civil partner, or would be but for the exigencies of the Services. 

UK Personal Status 2

  • A service person who is either a divorced, widowed, or a single parent and has parental responsibility and full residence of the child/children and can properly be regarded as the centre of and prime mover in the child's/children's life. 

In accordance with JSP 752, Service Personnel must be accompanied in the UK by their spouse/civil partner.  Entitlement of the Service Person to accompanied status will be reviewed if the immediate family spends less than 9 months at the Residence at Work Address either continuous or aggregated over a 12-month period.

PN's Applying for SFA

To apply for SFA, contact the HQ ARRC Housing Officer (HO) by email at -   or email  

The Housing Officer will explain the application process, the forms, and certificates required, and will send you an MOD Form 1132 (Application to Apply for Service Family Accommodation), and a Confirmation of Entitlement to Apply for SFA document.

Please complete the Form 1132, and provide a copy of your Marriage/Civil Partnership Certificate. The Confirmation of Entitlement to Apply for SFA document must be approved and signed by your SNR to confirm entitlement to apply for an SFA. This should be done about 3 months in advance of your assignment date to HQ ARRC.

When you have completed the 1132 form, and received a signed confirmation form, take them along with a copy of your Marriage/Civil Partnership Certificate or send them to the Housing Officer at Innsworth Station Welfare Office. Applications from PN personnel must be processed through the HO. This is to ensure that the application form is completed correctly and the relevant paperwork attached. The HO can assist you efficiently and promptly if there is a problem with your application.

FN's Applying for SFA

FN personnel can apply for SFA at -  '

The HQ ARRC Housing Officer will be happy to help if you have any problems.

Email the Housing Officer at or

Single Living Accommodation

Single/unaccompanied personnel are accommodated in the Officers' Mess, Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess or Junior Accommodation Blocks, depending on the individual's rank. Contact should be made with the relevant Mess or Accommodation NCO for further information.


Accommodation for officers is provided at the Imjin Officers' Mess, which is located across the road from the barracks, opposite the main exit gate. The accommodation comprises of en-suite rooms. 

To apply for accommodation and for more information; contact the Mess Reception on: +44 (0)1452 712612 ext 6225,   


Warrant Officers and Sergeants

Accommodation for Sergeants to Warrant Officers (OR5 - OR9) is provided by the Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess, which is on Imjin Barracks, by the main entrance. The accommodation comprises of en-suite rooms. 

To apply for accommodation and further information contact the Mess Manager on: +44 (0)1452 712612 ext 5748,                                           email  

Junior Ranks

Accommodation for Private to Corporal (OR1 -OR4) personnel is provided at Imjin Barracks. The accommodation comprises of en-suite rooms within accommodation blocks. 

To apply for accommodation and further information contact the HQ ARRC Accommodation NCO on:

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

Welfare Office

Office Opening Time:
Monday - Thursday 0830-1630
Friday 0830-1400
+44 (0)1452 362550