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Bosnia 1995-96

Peace Implementation Force (IFOR) 

On 20 December 1995 following the Dayton Peace Accord, HQ ARRC deployed to Bosnia Herzegovina to assume command of the Land Component of the NATO-led Peace Implementation Force (IFOR) for Operation JOINT ENDEAVOUR. This was NATO’s first operational deployment. HQ ARRC spent all of 1996 deployed in Sarajevo commanding a multinational 3-divisional force which, at its peak, consisted of some 55,000 troops from 35 nations. 

 HQ ARRC had been conducting contingency planning for a possible emergency deployment to Bosnia for over 2 years prior to this date. During that time, limited reconnaissance had been undertaken and a considerable body of knowledge built up within the Headquarters on the country and its economic, political and military infrastructures.

The Mission

"On order, COMARRC is to assume command of the area of operations (AO) of Bosnia- Herzegovina (B-H) and complete the military tasks of the peace agreement as defined by the North Atlantic Council (NAC). He is to control and secure the withdrawal of the United Nations (UN) forces not transferred to the IFOR. He is to be prepared to execute the emergency withdrawal of UNCRO forces.”

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks
United Kingdom

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